Friday, August 9, 2019

Women in Islam and Quran

Learn Quran Online to know about what important rights for women described in quran.If there is a stereotype, this is the maximum normally related to Islam, since it is a faith that suppresses and oppresses girls. With all the clauses of Islam, people understand that it is, in one way or another, a faith dominated by men or a faith in favor of men, which considers women as the most effective elements and issues that may be under man's control and that he can use them the way he wishes without giving them any rights.
The claim that Islam is a girl of pleasant faith and that she granted the rights to the ladies, who in no way had, turned out to be a cliché. Regardless of all the arguments that Muslims give about the celebrated and decent stature of ladies in Islam, the Western media still ignore them and try to expose the oppression of Muslim girls as if it had been ordained by Allah. The footprints under the girls speak in Islam within the softness of the rights that Islam has granted them.


The West thinks that Islam now does not allow women to receive education and be enlightened. This is an erroneous theory of girls in Islam, due to the fact that faith preaches education for all and the pursuit of education is as vital for a Muslim girl as for a man. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated in a hadith:
"The acquisition of knowledge is mandatory for all Muslims." (Tabarani)
There is a frequent agreement among Muslims about the fact that this hadith applies equally to all genders and the word 'Muslim' in this hadith does not now represent the male part of society, but that women are confused in the same way and meaning as properly so, to think that girls cannot obtain education or that they cannot walk the path of knowing is a false impression and opposes what Islam preaches to its fans.


It is natural for people to expect that girls in Islam cannot be charitable because if they can be oppressed at a level where they cannot win, how could they give charity or Zakaat? Unfortunately, this perception is also misunderstood due to the fact that in Islam women can be charitable both for their own income and for the income of their husbands. Hazrat Aisha (RA) narrates approximately the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) pronouncing:
“A woman will receive a reward (from Allah) even when she gives charity to her husband's earnings. The husband and the treasurer (who keeps the money in the name of the husband) will also be rewarded, without any decrease in the reward of any of them. "
Consequently, the stereotype that men are supposed to be charitable in an Islamic society is inaccurate, rather women can also be charitable and get the same praise for their actions.


All other patriarchal constructions are men who dominate worship in Islam. Humans think that both the obligatory prayer of 5 instances and the immoderate prayer are the male members of society who must do it. they may be those who intend to mention Salat, they are too fast, they must make pilgrimages, etc. This perception, like all the different false notions portrayed, is erroneous because in regard to worship, women are similar to men in Islam and there may not be discrimination. girls have to pray five times in the afternoon as men do, it is also mandatory that they accelerate as they do with men, and media ladies must also offer Hajj in the same way as men do. In addition, on the subject of the reward towards this type of actions, the praise is the same for every woman and man without any distinction.
Property and economic rights:
Under the same conception of Islam in which girls are repressed and subjugated, the notion that human beings have a preference is that women have no property rights and wealth in Islam. It is in the subjectivity of man to present what he wants to give to the ladies. In the Quran, Allah Almighty says: “And do not desire the things in which Allah has made some of you stand out above others. For men, there is a reward for what they have earned, (and in the same way) for women, there is a reward for what they have earned, and ask Allah for their reward. Surely, Allah is the one who knows everything about everything. ”(4:32)
From the ayah, it is clear that girls are entitled to everything they earn, whether for their work or for the assets they have received in the form of a legacy. A Muslim girl must acquire her percentage within the belongings and whatever she earns everything is at her private disposal, whether she likes to divide it together with her husband or other individuals from the family circle or not.

Marriage partner selection

It is a common presumption about marriage in Islam that during Islam women have no right to choose their marriage partner, as a substitute are their parents who do so and choose those who need for their daughter. Like any other notion, it is wrong and Islam grants an identical right of spousal partner selection to a girl as it does to a person. As soon as a lady arrived at the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and complained:
"My father has forced me to marry my cousin to raise his own status."
The Prophet (PBUH) replied:
"You are free to dissolve your marriage and choose whoever you want to marry."
She answered:
"I accept my father's choice, but my goal was to let women know that parents have no right to interfere in marriage." (Ibn Majah)
From this hadith, once again, it is clear that Islam grants the right of selection of spouses to the ladies and even more if they are pressured to marry someone, they could say no or dissolve the marriage if they are forced To do it. consequently, this splendid property of the selection of married couples rests with a lady in Islam.

Facts About A Momin

Unfortunately, the Muslim world has restricted women to the boundaries of homes and they are not allowed to practice the rights granted to them through Islam. The work of doing the right thing and forbidding evil is more effective in relation to men in today's Muslim world, forgetting the fact that it is not always the duty of a specific gender, instead, both genders have the order to prevent wrong and do their best. capacity. When we read the Qur'an and learn its verses with meanings, we can clearly see the message of Allah evaluated when he says:
“Believers, men and women, are Awliyaa (helpers, protectors, friends) of each other; they order Al-Maruf (well prescribed in Islam) and prohibit Munkar (evils marked by Islam); They perform As-Salat, give Zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah will have his mercy on them. Surely, Allah is almighty, all wise "(9:71)
Consequently, it is a right within the rights of a lady to do the acts that Allah Almighty befriends a Momin, so that, like the men of Muslim society, she can also play her role and make this and existence come back better.


Simply put, in Islam women have all kinds of rights. thinking of girls as a minor being or subjugating them should not be established from anything in the Qur'an or hadith, as a substitute they have rights that allow them to be an efficient part of society and to be practicing Muslims.

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