Qurans Kareem’s greatness and virtues is huge and one can’t
sum up all the benefits in just one blog. Here we provide some of the points to
stress and help you understand its virtues.
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said that if there
is some one who has not memorised some portion of Quran is just like a
destroyed/scary home (As in Tirmidi and Darmi)
Benefit of Reading Quran
We all know that a home where no one lives have darkness. It
is a home for insects, bats and shayateen. It is disgusting and smells. No body
wants to live such a home haunted place. Such is heart of a person who has no
Quran in his/her heart. There is no wisdom and light which can drive him/her
towards the right direction. That person is a slave of the wishful thoughts and
his own created ideas. Such a person will not live a happy life in this world
and definetly not in the here after. May Allah save us from that situation –
This hadith has emphasized that there must be no muslim
which is devoid from any Quran in his heart/mind and one must memorise atleast
some portion/part of Quran.. If we can memorise so many poems, quotes, sayings
then why not Quran. All of the worldy talk will stay in this world and all
which goes with us to the grave and hear after is the Quran.
As stated in Surah Asar every one in this world is at loss
other than those who have Imaan (faith) and along with this do good deeds and
along with this preach rightness and along with this remain patient if some bad
comes to them due to this preaching.
In another hadith it is said that who so ever hears a single
ayat of the Quran, such a goodness is written for him/her that it keeps on
growing (there is no end of when it will stop). We hope that Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) there is no end to it. In another hadith
it is said that who so ever reads an ayat, that ayat wil become a light/noor at
the day of judgement (Musnad Ahmad)
Quran – source of happiness
Allah O Akbar, how good is Quran Majeed that even if
listening to Quran will be written as good deed.. Alhamdolillah (الحمدلله). Also on the day of judgement when there
is all darkness around you.. where people will be scared and every one is
seeking refuge.. no body knows where to go.. this Quran will become the source
of happiness. May Allah this Quran become our source of light on the day of
judgement Ameeen. For more information about Online Quran Teaching. On recitation Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
said that on the day of judgement a person is said to read Quran in the way
he/she reads Quran in this world with the same good quality and then in reward,
the place in jannah where that person will stay will keep on increasing with
each ayat and the place in the jannah is the point where he/she reads the last
Virtues of Memorising Quran
This hadith is so beneficial for us, Alhamdolillah (الحمدلله)..this means that if some one memorises
more of Quran then his place in the jannah will be much better than the one who
has memorised less of the Quran.
Hazrat Usman (رضي الله تعالى عنه) said that Prophet
Muhammad (ﷺ) said that among you is the best who learns the knowledge of
Quran and then passes on to others (Sahih Bukhari)
Another benefit of reading Quran
In this world we believe that the best is the one who has
more worldly knowledge. Some one who has more wealth or fame. Some one who is
master of many languages, books, topics whether it is political, scientific or
technical. Nevertheless ALLAH is telling us that the best among us are those
who learn Quran, they know what it says and then also train others to read
Quran or help them to understand it.. May Allah make us such Ameen.
Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri ( رضي الله
تعالى عنه ) said that Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)said
that Allah said that for a person who is made busy by Quran from my Zikr and to
make a dua from me, I (ALLAH) will give that person more than what I give to
those who say dua. Quran’s greatness and virtue as compared to other
sayings/words is just like Allah’s greatness than all of the created beings.
In another hadith in Baheeqi it is said to read Quran in the
day and night in a way which is due and spread it and read it with interest and
enjoy it and contemplate on it and hope that you will succeed and don’t try to
get it’s reward in this world rather from Allah a great reward is going to be
give at the correct time.
Virtue of reading the Quran
This is not a repetitive thing without profit, but a song. I
recite the Koran day and night, standing and lying down with interest and love,
trying to understand what it means. You need to read Tough Sheer or attend a
Urema session where you can guide what the Quran says. This all helps us
succeed in this world, as it tells us how the Quran will behave to succeed in
this world.
If you follow secular methods, you lose the secular desire.
We should not rush to get the reward of reading and following the Quran in this
world because a big reward in the form of Janna is waiting for us.
Hazrat Aesha the Prophet Muhammad (said) reads that the
person who has orders to the Quran (and to read to the current reads) come into
a respected and obedient angel and stumble while reading You will receive two
rewards: reading and effort.
Read the Quran and be in Janna
Now you can Learn Quran Online This may makes sense for special children who can read the Quran
in a fluent while, but cannot regret it, but older people feel worse than
themselves. Allah is very kind and focuses on reading, so you can get two
rewards. Allah values effort. subhanallah !
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